Refinance Checklist
Mortgage Application Documentation Checklist
Ensure you have the necessary information and documents ready when applying for your mortgage.
- Full legal name, Social Security number, Date of Birth
- Primary phone number, email address, current, and former residential/mailing addresses over the last two years
- Gross income amount, encompassing primary, secondary, and part-time employment, overtime, bonuses, and commissions (if applicable)
- Secondary income sources and amounts, such as retirement benefits, disability payments, alimony, child support, rental or investment income (if considered for loan repayment)
- Names, addresses, and phone numbers of all employers over the past two years
- Value of each bank account, retirement, investment, and other asset accounts
- Current expenses, including housing, credit card, loan payments, child support, and other obligations
- Original purchase price, year home was purchased, current estimated market value
- Total outstanding balance of all loans secured by the property
- Reason for refinancing and the amount you need to borrow
Your mortgage professional will request the following documents, and possibly more, as your application progresses:
Income / Employment / Assets:
- Completed, signed, and dated IRS Form 4506-T (Request for Tax Transcript)
- Pay stubs covering the last 30 days with year-to-date information (for all jobs and applicants)
- W-2s for the past two years
- Federal tax returns (1040s) for the past two years
- Written explanation if employed for less than two years or if an employment gap exists within the last two years
- Most recent two months’ statements for all accounts listed on the application (all pages)
- Explanation letter for late payments, collections, judgments, or other derogatory credit items
- Documentation for large deposits not from payroll or gift fund deposits
- Judicial decree or court order for obligations due to legal action (lawsuit, judgment, child support)
- Bankruptcy/discharge papers for any past bankruptcies
- Payment history for public utilities, phone company, cable, car insurance, and other expenses
For Self-Employed Applicants:
- Complete copies of personal and business federal tax returns for the last 3 years
- Year-to-date profit and loss statement
- List of all business debts
- Legible copies of Driver’s License and Social Security card
- Hazard (Homeowner’s) insurance information, including agent’s name and phone numberSpecial
If you are a servicemember on active duty, consult your legal advisor regarding potential loss of benefits under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act or applicable state law before refinancing your existing mortgage loan.
Content and information provided as a courtesy. We do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness and assume no liability for its use.
MON-FRI 8:30AM - 5:30PM (PST)